Have you just finished your college course, but now you’re having trouble getting work in your field of study?
Are you in two minds as to whether you should stick around and try to take your first step on the career ladder, or to go travelling for a year?
With the Internship USA programme, you can get the best of both worlds – experience American life first hand, while interning at a luxury resorts and hotels that is directly related to your field of study. You will gain priceless experience, grow your skills and knowledge, and then be able to take everything you have learnt and bring it back to the Irish workplace – giving you the edge on the competition for job opportunities.
The Internship USA programme allows current full time students and recent graduates (less than 12 months qualified) to gain valuable training experience directly related to their field of study in the US for up to 12 months. The Internship USA programme is operated by DPBIZ internships.
Internship Benefits
“The stronger your will is to get your work experience a life and kicking the more responsibilities you will get. In this position you will need to prove yourself. Taking initiatives and being able to work independent will be important for this.”